Oh My Goddess


Hijiri is a brown-eyed, brown-haired little girl who has a knack for showing up in some form in pretty much every episode of the TV series anime. She is something of a recurring gag, as for the most part she serves no role in major plot advancement and is used as a minor comic relief.

She is often to be found with her mother, a brown-haired woman who wears glasses and is rather quiet and apparently unflappable.

Hijiri, along with her mother, were the first outside of Keiichi to witness Belldandy’s power, when the goddess changed her flowing clothes to something more appropriate for Japan. In spite of this, both the young girl and her mother seem to be friends with Keiichi and Belldandy, as they have greeted the couple with no apparent concern for the fact that Belldandy appears to have supernatural powers.

In fact, Hijiri has witnessed numerous incidents where the power of the goddesses (or demons) is revealed, including: Belldandy changing her clothes, the fight with Marller, a walking blue teddy bear, a miniature Keiichi in a “claw-game” vending machine, Urd appearing on TV everywhere in the city, and Urd (seemingly) repairing her trampled sand-castle.

In spite of all of this excitement, Hijiri remains an exuberantly happy little girl that looks up to both Keiichi and Belldandy.

Hijiri Appearances

(This section will contain sightings of Hijiri in each episode)

From MangaWiki, a Wikia wiki.